Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

We kept pretty low key for New Years and spent most of the evening at our house with my cousins and aunt. The funny picture of me holding the champagne happened right at midnight. I forgot to open it beforehand and wasn't I zoomed into the kitchen and popped the cork. Good thing I put a towel on the top of the bottle because the cork would have flown! Regardless....champagne went everywhere. I had seconds to spare! So I told my cousins that there would be no glasses because we had no time and that we'd have to share the bottle. I ran in to the living room...with 3...2...1...Happy New Year! At that moment I took a swig and...oops! Champagne exploded in my mouth...I couldn't hold it in so I spewed it everywhere! It was quite hilarious! Later while we were enjoying the champagne, I read the bottle and it said "Warning: contents under pressure. Chill before opening." Oh yeah...I guess I forgot to do that. Hence the exploding champagne.
We had a fun night!
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Andrea's 60th Birthday Weekend

My mom's first cousin, Andrea celebrated her 60th birthday....and a bunch of us gals got to celebrate with her in Cannon Beach for the weekend. We had such a fabulous time...with eating, drinking, impromptu singing, painting, laughing, walks on the beach, more eating, more drinking, more singing and more laughing. Andrea really enjoyed her weekend and kept saying that "she was the luckiest girl in the world." She deserved it!
We love you Andrea!!
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Christmas 2008

The sledding began about a week before Christmas. The kids loved being pulled behind the "Beast" in Pop's field. Big kids (Heath and Jess) loved it too!
Heath's dad, Mike, visited for Christmas and stayed a few days. It was great to have him up here to celebrate! We spent Christmas Eve at Pop's house: eating, drinking and opening gifts. Then Christmas morning we opened more gifts from the Texas family and Santa. Santa seemed to enjoy his milk and cookies that Grayson set ou the night before....and the reindeer loved their carrots!
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Clinic Christmas Party 2008

Annual clinic Christmas party: funky hats or crazy hair were mandatory!
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