Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More weekend photos

Ok...so these got out of order somehow...I guess because I tried a new method of uploading the photos. So...scroll down to the title "Weekend Activities" and then go from there!

Mt. Rainier

On Sunday we travelled up to Mt. Rainier to take Heath's sister, Sheila and her boyfriend Clay. We ended up "hiking" a fair amount even though we weren't neccessarily prepared with Grayson's carrier. He did pretty well on Heath's shoulders and also did well with walking on his own. I was surprised he did as much as he did. This was actually our first "hiking" type trip this summer...which is hard to believe. It felt good to get the legs all good and fatigued and feel that nice burn in the lungs...thanks to altitude.
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"Skedt the birds"...as Grayson liked to tell everyone

Running in the water is fun...but cold!

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Weekend activities

On Friday we decided to join up with dad and Alicia, Don and Karen, and the Mitchells at Pacific Beach (Don and Karen's cabin). We were going to be missing the annual clinic party which is held here every year...so we thought we would go on Friday to get a little fix of the ocean. It was pretty foggy, but overall was a decent temperature (compared to the 90+ degrees inland).

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our little entomologist in the making

Most people that know me, know that I'm kind of a bug nerd. I bought Grayson this bug net right after he was born...just waiting to use it one day and teach him how to collect insects. The insect collection container was given to me by my mom when I had first gotten "into" bugs. Grayson and I tried it out for the first time the other day. We caught a honeybee and got it into the container...but, we didn't want to hurt it and make it too mad, so we let it go shortly after. We didn't end up getting anything else because I needed to do some yard work...and there just wasn't much out (probably because it wasn't super sunny). Grayson really enjoyed this so I'm sure we will be at it again very soon.

*Grayson's vocabulary has been exponentially increasing every day. He is so darn cute and he just cracks me up. He absolutely loves to help in the kitchen and especially with making eggs. He has been saying "dankey so much" and "I sawy mama"...its so cute and just gets me right in the heart. He is such a sweet little boy and is really mellow and quite good most of the time...I especially notice this when he is around other kids his age. He still loves water and plays with the sprinkler and water faucets all the time. Hmm...I wonder where he gets his love for water?!

Ft. Lewis Triathlon Series-July

I finally just uploaded these photos from July that we took for my July Ft. Lewis triathlon. Heath was our (Greg and I) photographer for this one. I felt pretty good in this race...but no world records or medals this time. (The field was a bit larger compared to June).

One of these days I will get August's race posted as well. Heath and I both did that one. I was a couple minutes faster in the swim, but the bike and run were almost exactly the same time as in July. I did end up getting the 3rd place medal this time (in my age group). No medals for Heath :(
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