Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas update

I thought I had better give a little update even though I haven't uploaded any photos from Christmas yet. It has been a whirlwind week (or so).....and I probably gained a bazillion pounds from all the food we ate. Christmas Eve was spent at dad's house (tradition) with the Brown side of the family....just a small group of us. Justin flew in that morning from his 6 week trip in Peru. We had some great food (as usual) in great company. After our dinner we started in on the gift opening. Grayson got some fun things and also some loud things...."electric" guitar, basketball hoop, clothes, jammies, etc. This was the first night of many that Grayson stayed up way too late. He does really well with late nights and probably gets a second wind like his mama.

Christmas morning we got up and opened more gifts....from the Texas family and from Santa. Grayson had another good time opening gifts and making a mess with the paper. He got a new personalized cushy chair, trucks, tractors, books and other fun stuff. That night we went back over to dad's to eat and hang out with the Boyles. Another great meal!

The following evening was spent over at the Homestead (Gary and Debbie's) for the Edwards side Christmas. This is always a big event.....lots of people and kids. More wonderful food again! Then....another Grayson spoiling.....he got a Craftsman kids tractor, a large excavator, some small CAT machinery, books and my favorite....Trigger the horse. Trigger is a very old spring type "rocking horse" that my grandpa Lee made about 50 plus years ago. I had him growing up and always thought that grandpa made him for me. I was quickly corrected by my aunt Ruthy....who told me that he was made for her when she was a little girl. Trigger looked great, despite his age....he had a total makeover! Grayson enjoyed getting on him while I bounced him around, then he quickly figured out how to make him "go" on his own.

Well, we had a couple days of down time (which was spent running around taking gifts back and hitting the sales) before our next event. Last night was spent at our clinic Christmas party....dinner at the new golf course restraunt (very good), then a quick drink at Bar Cinco, then off to Don and Karen's for the gift exchange. A few of us decided to get dressed up in cocktail type attire just for the heck of it. This was fun to do since I'm usually seen in jeans and tshirt type attire.

That pretty much sums it up. We don't have any official, concrete plans yet for New Years.....but we may lay low a bit. This was a great Christmas was fun to see Grayson getting more into it this year. Now we just have to get him back on some sort of normal sleep schedule! I will be posting pictures shortly....stay tuned!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas time is here

Hanging ornaments....what a good little helper!

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This is our wonderful Noble Fir! We are loving it and think its the best one ever. Even though its not quite as tall as we normally get, it is more full....which means that I probably need to get a few more ornaments. I think I ran out of branches last year. Last years was a little more Charlie Brown-ish. Grayson is enjoying his tree and asks me to turn on the lights every morning...."on, on, on, on!"

Deep in thought

I really like this picture and how the lighting turned out (or didn't turn out). This was taken the during the same time when he was wearing his fancy bow....he must have found a really good book!

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I finally downloaded some photos that were taken the first week of December. These were taken the day I put up most of the outdoor lights. Grayson loved seeing the lights and was "oohing" and "wowing" (as you can see in the bottom left corner picture). Grayson found a red ribbon in some of the Christmas decor and put it around his waist. I then tied it on him and after awhile he didn't even think twice about it not being there. We took it off right before we had to go to our community Christmas dinner....I decided it was a little much :)
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Monday, December 10, 2007

Long time, no post

Its been awhile since I've posted any pictures....or a blog for that matter. We've been pretty darn busy and I'm just starting to feel like things might get caught up. We finally got our tree up yesterday.....a beautful Noble from the "hills"...that Gary and Debbie picked out. I think this is our best tree ever! We also have a tree to get put up at dad's while he is away hanging out with all sorts of celebs. I won't go into any detail due to the confidential nature of the event he is at....but I will surely let you know when I can and whether of not dad makes People magazine. I have been totally living vicariously through him. He is having a terrific time and is hoping that the high winds will cause him to be stranded there for a bit longer.
Anyway, I will soon be posting some pictures...I promise!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Feelin' the cold!

Ok people I stuck to my word and got outside today to put up my lights. I thought this was going to be a great day to do wind, rain, etc....yet. The moment I get outside it starts to snow...kind of. Anyway, I did manage to get some lights up despite the frigid temperature, the freezing of my boot-tay and a few choice words. As usual there were those extra fun times when the already-tested lights decide not to work once I get them on top of the world's larget freaking tree. Most of it went quite smoothly though (even with frozen fingers). I'm not quite finished (of course), but the majority of it is all up. Pictures to come soon.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Feelin' the heat!

So I think our neighborhood is pretty competitive. Grayson and I went for a run this evening in the dark and couldn't believe how many houses already have their Christmas lights up. I feel totally behind! I have a strict rule that no Christmas decorations can be put up until December 1st. I know that a lot of people do it the day after Thanksgiving.....but until the month turns into December, I just can't do it. It just doesn't feel right. Maybe I am rebelling against all the crazy consumerism around this time of year. Don't get me wrong....I admit that I also will get caught up in it too....just not till December. I devote the whole month of December to Christmas, with decor and by listening only to Christmas music. Anyway, it seems like this year people in our neighborhood are putting up their lights early (except for my neighbor across the street.....she was totally on the same page as me). I am going to stick to my guns....come Saturday morning.....its all about Christmas. When I was a wee one I loved having Christmas lights up all year round.....that drove my parents nuts. Hey....maybe thats where I got my rule!
So, in the meantime I will try not to feel guilty by not starting my outdoor illumination process yet....maybe I will just get the boxes out and prepare for the total insanity that awaits me. Every year I wonder what I get myself into when I start the lighting is such a time consuming thing that I HAVE to matter what. I start acting like Clark Griswold! I'm sure I've broken several "electrical" rules too. Oh well....the end result is what keeps me doing what I do! I almost forgot to mention that I also do the lights at dad's house too! I must be completely insane. MUST HAVE LIGHTS!!

Happy decorating all!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Enjoying the Vale sun

The day after Thanksgiving we all got out on a small hike up Keeney pass just outside of Vale. The dogs had the best time in the world because they had acres to run fast and far. The day we left, Grayson got to get on Tony the horse and take a little walk around the driveway. He thought that was super fun and he loved every minute of it.
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Thanksgiving Week in Vale, OR

Heath, Grayson , the dogs and I all drove down last Monday to Vale, OR to spend the week with the Boyles. Grandpa flew down on Wednesday and stayed till Friday evening. We had a great time visiting, eating and playing with everyone. It is quite the drive, but it was definitely worth it.
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Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving morning we all went to Ontario, OR to run the annual Turkey Trot 5k. It was super cold....about 17 degrees....definitely not something I'm used to. It was a great way to start Thanksgiving since it gave us a little bit of an excuse to feast later in the day.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sunny fall days

Even though we had that awful storm seems that our awesome sunny (but cold) weather is back. I am totally fine with that! (Actually more than fine!) Here are some photos taken from the past month or so.

Ok....I know these were taken inside, but I thought it was pretty cute.

Just swingin' and hanging with Dad-da

Helping mama with yard work. He loves his wagon, wheelbarrow and tools.

The Little Shepherd

One of the many unusually beautiful October days this year. Grayson tending to the of his favorite things to do!
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Monday, November 12, 2007

Our crazy fall weather is back!

For those of you that live in obviously know how insane the wind was today! It was crazy and loud! I really do enjoy the wind, however, I don't like trees falling down. It gets a little nerve racking when you see hurricane like winds whipping through the trees around your house. We got some furious winds that came off the lake.....which were evident when our neighbor across the street had the whole top 1/2 of their large maple tree break off. Heath watched it through the window as it crashed over the road and spilled some of its branches into our yard and driveway. So much for my lovely yard clean up last week. Well, at least I didn't really do the part where the branches landed. We were just thankful that the dying Maple in our front yard didn't decide to do the same thing. It really needs to come down soon....on our own time though!

Heath went and helped the neighbors clean up the road mess of tree trunk and branches with his chainsaw. Now there will be quite the mess to clean up this coming weekend.

We lost power at about 8am and we still don't have it. This isn't unusual since we are always the last to get it on. Sometimes we can look across the lake and see that the other side has it.....then maybe we will get it a day later. am I typing this blog? Well, I can't go too long without my computer, so I have it hooked to the generator while the refrigerator takes a break. Of course we have Monday night football on also. Hello.....priorities!

The sky is super clear tonight, so we may have some sun tomorrow. I miss our unusually sunny fall weather. I plan on posting some pictures that we took during our awesome weather this past month.

Monday, November 5, 2007

A few thoughts today...

Its hard to believe that today marks the 4th anniversary of losing my mom and grandma in a tragic car accident. Sometimes it feels so recent, yet other times it seems so long ago. I've definitely learned a few things since then....which I'd like to share. I've also gone from being angry and sad about it to focusing on the positive aspect of what their lives meant to me and my family. However, I think that no matter how long the time, there will always be that empty spot in my life. I think the hardest thing that I often think about is the fact that mom could never see her grandchildren. She wanted so badly to be in that role of grandma and I feel awful that she didn't experience it. But.....I like to think that Grayson has met her somewhere along the way. I want Grayson to know who his maternal grandma was and instill in him the values that she taught us. I miss her tons all the time, but the pain of losing her has definitely lessened over time. "Time heals all things" is a really crappy cliche and I sometimes thought it was a load of BS, but I guess it has a little element of truth in it. I'll share a few things I've learned from mom and grandma and also things I've learned along the way since.

  • Love One Another.....its as simple as that! This was grandma's favorite saying and all of the family knew it!

  • Be grateful! Be grateful for your life, health, family, friends, and even the most minor things in your life. Gratitude goes a long paves the way for more goodness to come into your life.

  • Family and friends are most important....take time for people in your life, you never know when you won't be able to. Go have coffee with an old friend, play with your kids, and quit worrying about the darn house cleaning (this is hard for me).

  • Be kind to people (and animals too) something nice for people when they don't expect it.

  • Don't have any regrets....if you do, you have to resolve it or forget about it.....regrets will eat you up.

  • Don't hold grudges and give up resentment with people in your life.....its totally not worth it for anyone, its silly and its very unhealthy.

  • Be the best YOU, you can be.....don't settle for mediocrity, challenge yourself and set goals.

  • Surround yourself with positive people.....don't hang out with toxic people (if you can help it)....they will suck the life right out of you.

  • Take time for yourself....exercise, eat healthy, read powerful and uplifting books, meditate....whatever makes you get rid of stress and energize your life.
  • Just have fun!

Well, that about sums it up for me. Even though I know these things I still have to remind myself on a daily basis. Thanks for reading my ramble! I love you all :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Our new Lab puppy!

We had a fun Halloween night.....and picked up this stray Lab puppy while trick-or-treating!

Early last week sometime I asked Grayson, "What do you want to be for Halloween?" He replied with "dog." So I said "ok!" I had no idea what he was going to be up until then, but he clearly wanted to be a dog (or he had just seen one since we were in the car). I figured this would be a pretty easy costume since he already had the black pants. All we needed was a black turtleneck, a black cap, and some black furry fabric (for ears and tail). I have a hard time with wanting to be "original", so of course I had to make him an injured dog. I really cut back though because I was planning on attaching an I.V. to him (Heath thinks I'm a weirdo).

Grayson made a really cute Lab puppy! Too bad you can't see his tail!

Of course I HAD to dress up too! My original plan was to be my dad the vet (circa 1970's), but I couldn't find an old school lab jacket and I really didn't want to wear Heath's creepy mustache from the other night. So, I added some funky retro glasses & my curly wig....and called it good.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

1970's Jogging Craze

Here are a couple pictures of last night's costumes for Freaker's Ball. This is an annual event that we have gone to a few times (it has been a couple years since we've attended) is located literally down the street from us at the Lodge. We went with a large group of friends and had a great time laughing and dancing the night away. It was fun to get out on our own for a night!

This hot couple is ready to go jog around the block! 1970's joggers unite!

Any day that I can wear funky sunglasses and a wig is a good day! Heath thinks I am a bit crazy when it comes to dressing up in costume....I get really into the details and I have to play the part too! Heath surprised me and did some "detailing" as well. You may be able to pick up a certain "enhancement" in this photo. It was quite the crack-up.....and creepy too :) I decided I needed to do a little "augmentation" as well!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Oh Yeah, Baby!

Grayson found these awesome glasses that are part of my Halloween costume. He was totally cracking all of us up.....including himself! Stay tuned for photos of our Halloween costumes!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Late October Sun

We have had some extrodinary weather the past 2 days.....warm and sunny. This is not our typical Washington weather for October. Grayson and I took full advantage of this gorgeous day! We first started off the day with a visit from Amy (Woodger) and her little guy Max (who will be turning 2 this Nov.) We all went to the park and then went to visit Grandpa at the vet clinic for a short time. We had a quick visit with the Woodgers before it was time for naps. After naptime....Grayson and I went to the Chehalis-Western Trail to get in a much needed bike ride. Just as we arrived we noticed that Grandpa was also getting ready for a bike ride (he snuck out of work early to catch some rays). So....we tagged along with him. Now...I'm quite a bit slower when pulling a 28 pound (or so) kid in a bike trailer....but dad stuck with us. He somehow conned me into going 12 (ish) miles before we turned around. I haven't done this long of a ride in years! But, it was so beautiful to see all the trees in their fall color, leaves on the trail and to smell the wonderful fall scents. Days like this make me really love the fall! I just took it all in and made sure I looked around at the way the sunlight hit the trees and the leaves. Grayson did so well on that long ride even when it started to get pretty cool. Because I didn't expect to go that far, I didn't bring any warmer type clothing. Grayson was pretty bundled in his cart with blankets around him. It sure gets dark quick! I ended up being able to switch off the bike trailer and let dad tote it around for about the last 1/3. By was getting a wee bit dark. By the time we got back to the car it was definitely night time.....we had to use the light of the moon to see at times. Even though it was getting chilly, we hit these amazing pockets of warm air....about a 20 degree difference. All in was a great afternoon. I will miss you Sun!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Portland Marathon Weekend

The first weekend every October brings us the Portland Marathon. Although neither Heath or I run the marathon, we like to go down to watch my uncle Jim run it. In the past we've done the 5 miler as well, but we took this year off...which ended up being a good thing since neither one of us slept well the night before due to a stuffy hotel room and a fussy, coughing little boy. We didn't make it to see Mariah's 5 miler race, but we did get to cheer Jim into the finish line.
Portland is one of our favorite cities to visit....we actually got engaged there some 6 years ago. It rarely rains while we are there, so we get to enjoy walking around the city and the Portland Saturday market. We also love the fact that we get to hang out with the Boyles too. Dad even came down with us this year! I've only been trying for 5 years to get him to come down.

We all met up Saturday at the market and listened to music, did some artsty shopping and got in some people watching. Saturday evening we met in Ruthy and Jim's room for a special wine tasting for TC's (Jim's mom) 82nd birthday. After that we went to a favorite restaraunt, La Terratzza and had some more wine and great Italian food.....celebrating TC and Virinda's birthday with creme brulee'! On Sunday, after the race we all met up again for lunch and Guinness at Kell's.....a great Irish pub near the Market. We had a really good time, even with Mr. Fussy Britches :) Grayson is doing much better now that he got some serious sleep. Oh by the way....he ended up getting an ear infection...which we got diagnosed on the Friday before we left....thank goodness!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Harvest Time

Yesterday, Grayson and I went and picked out some pumpkins out of Grandpa's garden......and get a few other things as well.

This looks like a good pumpkin!
Hmmm.....what to go check out next!??

By: Jessica Bright

One of my most favorite things in the fall is seeing the beautiful color and contrasts. I just love the grape harvest time (so does Grayson). Grandpa's vineyard is growing larger and better every year. One day we hope to have enough for some winemaking! But for now, we are happy to admire their beauty and eat them up!
A few years ago I actually looked into getting into viticulture (study of grapes and winemaking)....but the closest school was WSU. So....we will do our own studies over here!

For more photos to view and order prints:
Harvest time

More Texas pictures

Reading about Kubota tractors with Grandma Tammy. I know he looks like he is frowning, but he is really serious when it comes to tractors....and he is making his tractor noise "run-run-run".

The next day we spent going to Eurotazza Coffeehouse for coffee and breakfast, then to a couple parks to play. This was the second park we went to that had a big water feature that we could dip our feet into. Grayson would have gotten totally into it if we would have let him!

Grayson and Aunt She-She (Sheila)

Grandad with the grandkids

Our last night was spent at Uncle Julio's Mexican Restaraunt. Definitely a must when you visit Texas. Yum Yum!!

Grammie and Grayson

Grayson was so good all day despite the fact that he was starting to get sick. He was really trying to smile, but just a had a runny nose instead.

For more photos go to this link:

Texas 9-2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Finally.....some Texas pictures!

Ok.....I finally found a few minutes to post some pictures. Mr. Grayson is still sick and has been quite needy with me. He found some papers to play with while I upload these first few pictures. This is only the beginning of them....I've got more to put on later. I know people were chomping at the bit to see pictures, so I thought I would at least get a few on.

I had to first start this off with this cute picture of Grammie Sue's new American Bulldog puppy, Sadie. She as so darn cute and smart. Grayson really enjoyed playing with her...that is, until she pinned him down to the ground with her sloppy kisses.

On our first full day in Texas, we got to go visit cousin Gracie at her school for Grandparent's Day. Grayson really liked her right off the bat and wanted to sit in her lap and hug her.

Grammie with her grandkids.

Grammie, Bibi (Heath's grandma), Gracie, Grayson and me at the school.

Grayson's new friend Jaci, going in for the kiss! There was a lot of kissing going on. Jaci is the daughter of Heath's friend Andy and wife Marissa. Jaci is 11 days younger than Grayson.

The next day we went with Grandad to visit with Grannie (Heath's grandma). Grayson really enjoyed his time with Grandad and took to him quickly.

We had a really good visit with Grannie.....Grayson had fun reading with her and pushing her walker around.

After our visit with Grannie, we went to aunt She-She's house to stay a couple days. Grandma Tammy joined us and we got to hang out with her for a day.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

We're back....

Grayson and I arrived today around 11 am after an interesting plane ride. First off....we had a great time visiting Grayson's Grammie, Grandma Tammy, Grandad, Aunt She-She, cousin Gracie, Bibi, Granny, Keira and Jared, Andy and Marissa and 16 month Jaci, and all the dog-dogs. It felt like a short trip, yet it also felt like we were gone for longer than 5 days. We had beautiful warm, humid Texas weather....warm nights that I sooo miss! Nothing beats a warm night to walk out into from a cool house. Not the other way around! We spent quite a bit of time in the car driving to visit family, but it was all worth it. A great experience for Grayson! the "interesting" part. I'll get to it soon. Grayson developed a fever the 2nd to last night we were there and had a very rough night with sleeping.....which caused me to have a rough night as well. He woke up with quite a runny nose and a slight fever, but was in great spirits, regardless. We went out and got coffee and breakfast at Eurotazza coffeehouse (which is owned by Sheila, aka Aunt She-She's friend Keira)....then went and played around. That night Grayson looked a bit more miserable, but I was prepared with newly bought Tylenol, Benadryl, Kleenex, nose sucker, etc. It still was a rough night....he woke up almost every 1/2 hour or so until about 2am (I think). I believe we finally got a couple to a few hours of sleep closer to morning. I was kind of nervous about flying with a sick little boy, but it had to be done. So, off we went with drugs in tote. He did quite fine on the first leg of the flight to Albequerque and pretty much slept (thanks to lack of sleep at night and a little Benadryl). Note to readers: I don't normally drug up my kid too much, but this called for it. Anyway, the 2nd leg was a bit more fitfull and he couldn't get comfortable for too long with sleep. So, I finally got him out of his carseat and had him sleep in my arms. That worked pretty well. He woke up with about an hour left until gate arrival, so I gave him some water and he seemed interested in having a little snack. By the way, he did eat some yogurt before we got to Albequerque. So, he had some crackers and some grapes. Well, I think he got a little too carried away and got too many grapes in his mouth. He had them chewed up, but tried to swallow them all and kind of gagged. He has a really good gag reflex by the way. So, some coughing and up it all came!! I couldn't catch it and it went all over the place.....grapes, yogurt and all. Now what a major predicament. The flight attendant was very nice and brought us a bunch of paper towels and garbage sacks. I didn't even know where to begin! So, with an upset little boy I removed all of his clothes and the ones I could remove off me. Thankfully, Aunt She-She put his jammies in our diaper bag this morning so I had something to put him in. I had vomit all over my pants, flip-flop, the carpet, the back of the seat, carseat, etc. Anyway, I somehow managed to get it all cleaned up just in time for our descent. Boy did it smell bad!! I was waiting for others to join in on the vomit-fest. Nobody joined....that was surprising! Note to self (and others): Always, no matter how old the kid, have extra clothes on hand!!

It definitely is somewhat of a challenge to travel with a toddler with all the "stuff" you have to bring. I'm one who has to have the carseat on the plane, so its quite a workout getting everything to the plane by yourself and not piss people off. Everyone seemed pleasant on this trip, to which I am very thankful.

I will post some of our pictures as soon as I get our bags unpacked and the stinky vomit laundry done. I've got some great photos from a great trip!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hi Y'all!

Well, Grayson and I made our way south to Texas today to visit my in-laws. Heath stayed home due to not having many days of leave saved up. We will be here till the 30th and will visit with several family members in the area. Grayson did pretty well on the airplane but was getting antsy and was really tired.....too much that he wouldn't sleep much. He cried pretty hard one time on our descent into Albequerque...possibly because he was disoriented after waking up from his nap and maybe his ears were bothering him. He did great, however, on the descent into Dallas. He has been having fun here at Grammie's house playing with the antique baby buggy and Grammie's 3 dogs. We will have an event filled day tomorrow, so hopefully he gets a great night's sleep. I will hopefully have some good photos to share when we get back!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Uncomfortably numb

According to Pink Floyd.....its "Comfortably Numb", but my title fits much better!

Bright and early Sunday morning, Heath and Jessica set out on their 1 1/2 hour drive to Enumclaw to participate in the Black Diamond Sprint Triathlon. Grayson was dropped off at Grandpa's house at 6:30 am and snuggled back into bed with Grandpa...all warm and cozy. Heath and Jessica were bundled in many layers of clothing hoping to stay somewhat warm as they watched the temperature climb to a whopping 45 degrees Farenheit! When they arrived at Nolte State Park, where the triathlon was being held, they found that the water temperature was a mere 61 degree Farenheit. Yikes! After setting up their gear in the transition area, they put on their wetsuits to prepare for the polar-bear-club-like event. Jessica looked around to notice that many people had on long sleeved wetsuits....something that she wished she had, rather than the sleeveless wetsuit. She was grateful, however, that it had long legs. As she ventured off towards the water in barefeet she realized that she was getting an ice-cream-headache type feeling in her feet. This did not seem to pass while it also got worse walking along the rocky beach of the lake.

At 9:00am Heath's wave was sent off for their swim. Heath had a bit of a struggle at first trying to get around people and fighting the urge to drown while people climbed on his back. He quickly found a good spot along the outside of the pack and stayed there throughout the rest of the swim. Jessica's wave started at 9:05am in the freezing cold water. It took her a bit to relax and breathe normally so she wouldn't go into panic mode. The cold water in combination with the beginning of the race adrenaline and the several other bodies claiming water rights caused her to get a little bit anxious. Once she mentally fought through it she was good to go. Even though her body got somewhat used to the cold water, it still was pretty darn numb. Again....long sleeves would have come in handy.

Next the two had a transition to the bike. They each took their time so they would be able to warm up a bit. Jessica's feet were still numb! Their bike rides seem to go nicely and they both made pretty good time and passed many people. Jessica's rear tire went flat right at the very end....she was quite thankful that it happened then and not out on the course.

The run came next and Jessica's feet were still numb....the numbest they've ever been in her whole life. The run course consisted of two laps on the trail circling the lake. This was a nice flat course, but one had to watch their footing because of sneaky roots and rocks. Heath became a victim to one of the roots and twisted his ankle and foot pretty badly. He ran on though. As Heath came to what he thought was the finish, he noticed other people running by and continuing on around the lake. He was not aware about the two lap route....and it was too late to continue on. He was slightly bummed but was glad that the race officials wouldn't DQ him and instead doubled the run time that he had done. This still put him in a great standing and in contention for an age group medal. As for Jessica, her feet finally started feeling normal after the first loop of the run. She was then able to kick it in a bit and pass some more people. As she neared the finish, she saw that their support crew of Grayson, her dad, Carol and Natale were all there cheering them on.

Overall Heath and Jessica felt good and thought it was a good race. Apparently this year was actually warmer than last rained and was 8 degrees colder in the water. Thank God it was a clear day.

(Thanks for reading my long story! Sorry, no pictures yet....we will have to get them from our support crew.)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My dog dog

I thought this was a really cute picture of Corbin with Grayson even though Grayson refused to take the car out of his mouth. Its rare that I can get the both of them to hold still for long enough to get a picture. Grayson loves his dog dog....and you can tell that Corbin feels the same way. The other funny thing that Grayson likes to do when you take his picture is that he anticipates the flash and starts squinting his eyes. You can kind of see it a little in this one.....he is pretty goofy :)

Love to read!

Our little Grayson loves to read (thank God!) I had to capture some of those great moments when he asks us to read. He will bring us a book and then come sit on our lap and listen to us read to him. This will go on for several books.....he would probably do this all day long if he could. He likes to point out his favorite items in the pictures and sometimes he like to just flip through the pages very quickly.

The book that we are reading here is from the library called Dos Espanol (obviously). Grayson quickly decided that he liked this one a lot, so we read it very often. This was good for me since I don't know much Spanish....I got to learn some of the words also!