Sunday, July 8, 2007

I only turned around for a split second to put some dishes up....when I turned around, this is what I found! Grayson decided that he would be of more help by actually getting into the dishwasher. I couldn't believe that he crawled up, of course I had to go get the camera. What else would I have done?! He is very enthralled with the dishwasher and will sometimes try to help me unload it by handing me silverware to put into the drawer. Knives get a little tricky though. :)

After Grayson's fun dishwasher experience....he then decided to go for a ride on his Harley himself! We have been letting him try to climb up on his rocker for a couple days now, but this was the first time that he swung his leg over. What a huge milestone! (just kidding) After today, I think that I should be expecting more of these "climbing" episodes. I'm totally in trouble!


The Mc-Schotts said...

Oh my gosh - I can't believe how grown up your "baby" has gotten Jess! What a cutie - how can you ever scold him??? What a fun age and into everything - I remember like it was yesterday and it goes so fast! Enjoy each moment! Thanks for sharing your new great site!! I need to post some new pics to ours from our week at the cabin so check soon... Miss ya - hugs to all! Colleen

Cailen said...

Oh, yeah! The climbing phase. Good times! He's such a cutie, though, it's hard to stay mad at him, I know.