Monday, May 19, 2008

On Sunday, I finished the Capital City Half Marathon! Two years prior....I was in labor! As usual it was definitely a mental and physical challenge. My goal was to finish around 1 hour and 55 minutes (8:49/mile)...and this is exactly what I finished in. It got a little warm at times, but I seemed to fair pretty well. Heath and Grayson met up with me around the 10 1/2 mile and ran with me until about mile 12. Typically I have a tough time around mile 10, so this was helpful for my support team to get me through the last bit. The last mile was pretty much all downhill...and I really pushed it at the end. When I was done with the race I was treated to a free 15 minute was fantastic! I even got 2 people working on me....stretching me and working the lactic acid out. I was also pleasantly suprised to see a few of the gals from the clinic who did the 5 miler. I was quite impressed that they got a group together to do this....something I've wanted to organize for awhile now.

I'm pretty sore all over today, but thats not such a bad thing. Now I need to start preparing for the triathlon and the next 1/2 marathon in Sunriver.
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Happy Birthday Grayson!

On Saturday, May 17th we celebrated Grayson's 2nd birthday with family and a few friends at Papa's house. Luckily we had fantastic weather so we were able to hang out on the deck and in the yard.
It is so hard to believe that our little boy is two years old already! He has been such a blessing in our lives and we are so grateful for his happy little self. We get such a kick out of his funny little antics! After his party, I asked him how he liked his birthday party and he replied by blowing twice (like he was blowing out his candles). He really enjoyed playing with the kids in the yard, opening presents, getting "Happy Birthday" sung to him and uncle Jim blowing bubbles with him.
We look forward to another great year with our funny little boy!
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Coming soon...

Pictures, that is. I promise! See, the thing is I just haven't taken any lately...not sure why, I guess I just forget. Normally I've got that darn camera out all the time. I think that I will do better now that the weather is supposed to improve...greatly.

So, our little boy is going to be two in 4 days! I can hardly believe it. He is such a sponge right now and will usually repeat (or try to with his version) all the words we ask him to say. This can pose a wee bit of a problem at when mom slips up a bit. I just ignore it like its no big deal.

One of my favorite things that he will say now with prompting is "yuv you". Ahh....that melts the heart!

He loves to say hi and bye to everyone he sees. He still doesn't verbally say thankyou...signing it instead. He still loves everything boylike: tractors, trucks, fire engines, etc. He is really into wooden puzzles and is quite good at them. He is a master at mess making!! I guess this should be expected. He likes to help us out in the yard and dig in the dirt and "pull weeds". He enjoys feeding the ducks at Cochrane Park, walking and birdwatching at the Nisqually Delta and visiting his family members (and knows them by name).

Well, I hope to have some pictures soon! So, stay tuned!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Last day of detox

Yay! Today is the last day of my 7 day detox program! Its not like it has been bad or anything, but it is crazy how screwed up my brain has been. The past couple days I have been a little less foggy at least. I just noticed that I added my sister-in-law's blog to my friends and family list....however, instead of writing Sheila, Gracie and Lilly....I wrote Sheila, Grayson and Lilly. I guess that could be an honest mistake, but what a dork! I sometimes wonder if I should even be driving too....I ended up with a speeding ticket the other day. Just as I was driving down Capital Blvd. to downtown Oly I thought to myself "ooh, I think I'm going too fast"....not a split second later I'm getting pulled over. I was going 38 in a 25. Stupid!! Despite all my brain blunders I slept awesome last night and I'm feeling pretty good (minus this headache). My detox program is done just in time for our busy, busy day tomorrow----with 3 parties: Kentucky Derby party, a retirement party and a 30th birthday party in Seattle. Now that my liver is all cleansed, lets go and screw it up again! :) I've been told that following detox you become a serious, this will be interesting. Maybe I will be passed out at the first party after one drink. Should be fun! As long as my horse wins...I'm good!