Monday, May 11, 2009

Gotta watch my language!, sometimes I don't have the most impeccable language and things just slip out.  I definitely have a hard time pretending that I have perfect language when I'm around Grayson...I'm definitely "myself".  Anyway, about a week ago (Friday before last) we were over at dad's to visit and do a couple things in the yard.  Dad was on the riding lawnmower getting his "mowing therapy" in while Heath decided he would get the blow torch and fry some weeds around the place.  I mentioned to Heath that he should make sure that he doesn't start the Pampas grass on fire (this grass was about 6-8 ft tall).  Dad laughed and said, "yeah, I did that one year".  So, I go inside to get Grayson and as I'm coming outside I notice that Heath is running to the house because the Pampas grass is on fire!  So of course I say "Holy Sh*t!" because the thing was totally torched and was getting the other bush next to it on fire.  And, of course my kid is now going to start saying what I just said.  He just kept yelling it randomly and it was really quite funny.  Its not like he hasn't heard it before, but it really stuck this time.  Anyway, in the meantime Heath finds a bowl and fills it up with water...which barely did any good at all.  I'm running around trying to find a dang hose.  I find one, hook it up, turn it on and run it out there.  Yank!  Too short....oops sprayed Heath instead!  (Dad is laughing about now and wishes he had a video camera...he was quite amused by the whole thing and just sat there on his lawnmower watching us act like chickens with our heads cut off).  So, now I go find another hose and switch it with the short one.  By now some of the fire is out because Heath probably made about 20 trips with the water in the bowl.  It was quite a funny time!

The point of my story was that Grayson is still saying "holy sh*t" at quite appropriate times I might add.  Last week when the rain was pouring down I said "holy moly" which he says "holy moly sh*t!"  He also talked about the time when daddy started the fire at pop's house...."holy sh*t".  I try really really hard not to laugh when he says all this because it is quite funny hearing it from an almost-3 year old. he did say "holy moly" with out the other part....maybe its out of his system.  By the way, he does know it in German too...but, for some reason this doesn't bother me.  


Mom to Tate and Charlie said...

Tate use to walk around the house...shit shit shit shit shit...over and over. It was funny.

MJP said...

That story is really funny. I can imagine your dad just sitting there watching it....almost like watching a sitcom. It is funny when little kids innocently cuss.

Cailen said...

This is so funny. Now I know what you meant about Grayson doing what Anzley did at the same age. We had different phases we went through: the swearing, the spelled-out swear words, and now we're on to using the "cop" alphabet. This is just if we have to spell something out that we don't them to hear. "And then that guy called me a bitch" becomes "And then that guy called me a boy-ida-tom-charles-henry!" It's pretty funny!

Stewart Family said...

Isn't life just a circus sometimes?! If it's not one thing, it's another. Colter used to hear someone (my dad) say "god dammit" all the time. Colter started saying it and so we would all say "don't say that".. which then Colter picked up too so when he'd drop something he'd say "god dammit don't say that" was pretty funny...