One of Grayson's favorite things to do these days is to go in our closet and look up at Heath's hats and say "hat, hat, hat, hat, hat"....until we get the hat down and put it on his head. Then he will take it off and say "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh" (translation: "on") for us to put it on our heads. This can happen up to several times a day.
Speaking of words that he is saying, the other things he says a lot are dada, dog dog (which also sounds quite similar to dada....but we know what he means), no, num (or yum), sometimes mama, something that sounds like night-night, and a version of milk. He also has a variety of gibberish type words that I can usually translate into English. His signing is much better than his verbal words. He will sign "more" (all the time), eat, milk, baby, dog (which is a panting noise), book, all done, bib, apple, no, flower and a various versions of some other signs. Most of the signs he learns from a baby sign language book. It has pictures of kids doing the signs along with the actual item or action. Although it isn't true American Sign Language (the true deaf sign language---also what I took as a "foreign" language elective in high school), I think it is beneficial for him to learn any sort of communication. Not only that, he really enjoys looking at the books and doing the signs and will constantly look at them or want us to read them to him. Along with sign language, he is also learning Spanish from his DVD he watches while I take a shower. I will peek at him sometimes to see that he is completely enthralled with it and smiling. This is the first interest he has shown in any sort of TV program (which is good). He really likes to see little kids and babies in this movie....I suppose this is why the Baby Einstein empire is so successfull.
Ah, good ol' Ms. Noble and ASL! I wish I remembered it! I think that's great that Grayson likes to sign...a good way for little ones to communicate instead of getting frustrated when they can't get their words out verbally Ü Oh, and Baby Songs is a huge hit with my mom's daycare kids...a video they get to watch every once-in-awhile and it's like Christmas for them! It's got some really cute songs on it Ü
Thanks for the video recommendation! Did you take Mr. Podmore (is that his name?) for sign language...year 2? Good times in those couple of years :)
Oh that's right! I forgot about him...how could I?! Didn't we have our class in the library or some closet somewhere?? I just remember it being really small...but yes, I had him! We must've all been in the same class, right? With Allissa, Chelsea, Jen, etc...??
Oh, this is my favorite age! When he's not SO needy and starting to be so much fun! Good call on the sign language...it REALLY helps! Colter only ever used the more sign, but it was enough to know that he was trying to tell me something specific instead of just being whiny.
Not only is he smart, he's got looks too! He has some serious baby blues!
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