Monday, June 1, 2009

Chemo: 2 down, 2 to go

Since Heath hasn't felt up to blogging lately, I'll update everyone on his health status:

Heath completed his 2nd chemo cycle this past Saturday. He has kind of had a rough go the since about Friday also. He hasn't had any vomiting, but I'm sure he has come close to that, but has had to work through it mentally so he doesn't. He pretty much can't do a whole lot but just recline on the couch and watch movies. I think he doesn't want to move too much because the nausea and "off" feeling comes in waves and he is super fatigued. He started his heavier-duty anti-nausea meds yesterday, but decided not to take that one this evening because it gave him quite a headache. The other ones only make him dizzy and light headed. Fun stuff. I ask him how he is feeling and he says "I don't know"....he can't really make words of how he feels...or he just feels to crappy too talk. Maybe both. He has also had the heavy quilt on him at times even when it has been in the high 70's in the house. Today he did go down to the lake with Grayson and I for a couple hours and was able to hang out. I think he feels a bit better today, but definitely isn't anywhere near normal. Eating is another thing...he doesn't have much of an appetite, but seems to do ok with certain foods and will still eat. I have to run through a list of different foods with him before he says "ok, I'll try that". I guess its like having the flu really bad. being pregnant! He has also been having issues with his stomach too....feeling too full and uncomfortable.

I feel like I have gotten a better handle on everything this time around. It was very helpful that we had some frozen meals that Heath's mom made us while she was here. We also had another person make us a chicken/broccoli casserole that we've (Grayson and I...since Heath doesn't have the stomach for it) been eating on for a couple days. The lady that made it is a vet (who we don't know) that is a business partner with a guy that is in Heath's men's group. about kindness! We've had a little other help this time...probably need more, but we should be pretty good the next two cycles. My aunt Ruthy will be with us for the next one and Heath's step-mom, Tammy will be here for the July one. We've got tons of guests coming before the next cycle also. Heath's bro Blake and wife Ashley will be here next week (for a week), then Ruthy comes, then Heath's dad will be here the weekend of Father's day, then my cousin Riley will stay with us a night....then we leave for Sunriver...then when we get back...Tammy comes! Jeez...we hardly ever get guests...and I almost took down the guest bed this winter also!

Anyway, we appreciate everyone's help! It really means a lot to us! We have a calendar thing that people can sign up to I'll post the link here sometime in case anyone wants to join our "community".


adam said...

Sounds like a tough regimen. Keep it up Heath, we're impressed and cheering loud in Ohio.

Stewart Family said...

I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. Keep your good attitude and just know how many people are thinking about you guys!

Stewart Family said...

also, you need to talk to my sis about getting a cancer survivor shirt ready for him... they are purple and not that attractive, in fact I kindof look like barney in mine... but hey - gotta have something cool for surviving cancer, right?