Monday, June 8, 2009

A little funny...

I forgot about this cute little thing Grayson said the other day when Aunt She-She (Sheila) was visiting us. I was trying to explain to him that Aunt She-She has a baby in her belly, kind of like when Rune (Debbie and Gary's dog) had puppies in her belly...and then they came out to see us. So, he says later, "Aunt She-She's got she's puppy in she's belly?" Anyway, it made us laugh! Since then he has mentioned it a few other times even when I've told him that its a baby not a puppy. But...thats what he has got in his mind. Pretty funny!


MJP said...

That cracks me up. He is so darn cute.

Cara Grube :) said...

He's so cute! :)

tiffany jeanne said...

That really is sweet. I love the kid interpretation of things. I asked Avery to say 'quesadilla' the other day not expecting her to get it and she said 'datedatedeeeya'. Good times!

Stewart Family said...

I wonder if he'll be upset when she brings over a baby instead of a puppy?