Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chemo is over!

Ok...Heath has been done with chemo for about a week and a half now...but I'm just getting to this update. We are so glad that its finally over (even though it kind of seems like it went pretty quickly...for me anyway). He had a pretty rough time this last cycle and got the sickest he's been. He never did vomit, but he came pretty close. He quite irritable following treatment also! Yikes! Anyway, he had a Neulasta injection last week to boost his white count...had bloodwork last Friday and will see the doctor next week. He is showing some anemia (which is to be expected), but we aren't sure what they will do about that. He is looking forward to getting back into a normal routine....eating normally and exercising.

During the week of treatment, Heath's step-mom Tammy came to help us. It was really great having her here! Her and Grayson spent a lot of time together...which was really helpful for mom! Last Tuesday, Heath's mom Sue and her husband Aaron came again to help us as well. Once again, Aaron worked like crazy and did all sorts of projects around the yard...including my favorite...a fence around my raspberries! Sue helped a lot with Grayson and did a lot of cleaning around here. My house hasn't been this clean since.............hmmm.......a long time!! We really appreciate all of their help and can't even begin to thank them enough! Heath has some great family!

1 comment:

Cailen said...

We are anxiously awaiting the results of his chemo! I am so proud of you guys for pulling through this well. You continue to be in our prayers!