So, I had an interesting morning. I opened the blinds in our room and noticed that there was a "dead" possum in our yard. I use quotes because this is what he/she appeared to be. I then noticed Corbin's wet fur and knew that he had been rolling all over this possum and was sure to stink really bad. I figured I needed to "take care" of the situation, suck it up and go bag up this "dead" possum before the garbage man picked up our trash. I go out there, bag in hand....really not wanting to do this, but knowing it has to be done. Unfortunately, I've had to deal with plenty of deceased animals in my day....surely I could manage a dead possum. When I got closer I saw that his/her side was moving.....Oh S***! (Sorry, I had a few other choice words to go along with that, but I will spare you my trucker language). So, now I'm not sure what to do. I'm not one to kill anything....I freak out if I run over a frog in the spring time. However, I didn't want it to suffer either. I decided I needed to take it into the clinic to get some blue juice administered. Ok...not exactly what I had planned for our morning, but off I went to get changed...all the while I kept checking on this lovely marsupial making sure that the dogs didn't mess with it. Well, it actually got up and tried to walk, but couldn't because of its injuries....I could see it shaking also. Ok....not as dead as I thought it was!
So, I get Grayson in the car and go prepare for possum capturing....with my leather gloves, plastic bin with towel and shovel (for scooping, not bonking). Ok....its gone! Then I noticed it had made it another part of the yard....most likely compliments of the dogs (since they were coming from that direction). I decided the shovel was going to be my best bet since he/she started moving more when I touched it....these guys have some pretty serious teeth too! Once I got it in the bin I brought it through the house to go to the car. started moving more...but I did make it outside onto the front porch. I said a couple choice words, sprinted to the garage to grab the lid. Phew! While we drove to the clinic I noticed that it was standing up somewhat and looking around.
We arrive at the clinic....everyone is so pumped that I brought them a possum! They got it sedated and waited several minutes before getting it out of the bin. When the time had come, Brenda grabbed it and set it on the table, moved it to its side then yelled "its got babies!" Oh no!! There we were all freaking out because there were all these babies moving around in her pouch. Now I felt really bad. Can you imagine if I hadn't noticed the momma possum until later....there might have been all sorts of baby possums strewn about my yard. Yikes! So, they pulled them out and placed them into a box----counting 8 total. Holy cow! A few of the girls all said that they would divide them up and raise them. Remember people...this is a vet hospital....we save everything! The babies are really darn cute though. Oh, and momma was in pretty bad shape, so she had to be put down.
Anyway, despite my lack of coffee until post-adventure....I ran on enough adrenaline to get me through the morning. I will have to get some pictures of these lovely little creatures and keep a possum diary. Ok, maybe not....but I probably will a little.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
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Wow! That's an amazing adventure! You are way cool. I definitely would have to have gone all redneck and whipped out the shotgun. I know that sounds crazy, but no way could I have rescued a living possum.
You are AWSOME!!! I LOVE that you saved the possum and BABIES. Good karma coming your way.
I can't wait to see the possum babies! I bet they are cute. Well, you did a very good deed. You should be proud of yourself. Around here everyone calls the local game warden for that type of thing...and well, I'm not sure he would have gone to the extent that you did. You're a good girl.
What an adventure! I'm sure the girls at the vet are excited to have some babies to raise. :) Nice work!
Jess, you never cease to amaze me! There is NO WAY I would have even gone near that possum...I don't think they're as "cute" as you apparently! Yuck. Even the babies! What a morning though! What did Grayson think of the possum??
*doesn't "possum" start with an "o" my fellow anal grammar/spelling/punctuation friend?!?
I would like to clarify that I would only shoot the OPPOSSUM in an effort to put it out of its misery without having to go near it because those great big teeth and rat-looking tail freak me out. (Mike would kill the opossum just because). You are a very brave chick, Jess!
This sorta stuff only happens to "special" people, me included! How do we get ourselves into messes like this! What a productive morning! You are the greatest!
Yes, Cara....possum does start with an o....I was wondering if you would catch that! I think possum is redneck's way of saying opossum. :) If I was super anal (which I can be) then I should probably use its Latin name: Didelphis virginiana. :) Yeah, I love those Latin names!! I'm a total nerd, I know!
Apparently a 9th baby appeared later in the day in the box....I guess it hid under the blanket when we were counting!
Ok...I can't take it anymore. Opossums? They are UGLY. I remember when Brenda was raising a litter of them, not cute. Big ol' teeth and that nose. You are a good person for raising them. I would have probably just past them off to whoever would take them.
Not an OPOSSUM fan.
I only hope that this valiant effort put forth by the big hearted people of the Yelm Vet Clinic doesn't end up as 9 puddles of Opossums on the road.
Hey, easy on the redneck stuff. If you pranced around here say "opposum"...folks would talk.
Where are those pictures anyway?
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