Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grayson-isms part 2

Here are a couple other funny things Grayson says that I've remembered:

*Pop's spicy milk: One time when we ate over at dad's, Grayson had some of the milk there....he got this horrible look on his face and said "spicy". So...I smelled it, then tried it. Tasted fine to me. So, I had him try it again. "Spicy" again. Ok...well, I guess no milk then. A couple days later dad was mentioning that he had to throw some milk out that wasn't even close to the date...and that it was really bad. Oops...I guess Grayson could tell...for some reason my taste buds weren't working properly. Now he mentions "Pop's spicy milk" randomly in the car and wrinkles up his nose. I think its funny that he used the term "spicy"!

*Preshoo: Bless you. He is so cute when he says this after you sneeze. He also says "preshoo" when he is actually sneezing too. I just caught that the other day.

*Maggots truck: Yeah, weird...I know! We have no idea how he came up with this one but he says this for the UPS truck and for the garbage truck. Maybe he combined garbage and man somehow to come up with that. Even though we always say garbage truck...this is what he will say. Honestly, the kid's pretty darn smart...cuz I'm sure there are some maggots in there somewhere. (UPS man?...not so sure)

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